Cambodia Weather & Climate

Cambodia Climate

No one wants the weather to become the killer of their Cambodia tours. That’s why our team picks this information about the weather and climate of the country of Angkor temples for anyone longing for a smooth holiday.

Cambodia has a tropical monsoon climate with only two straightforward seasons: the wet season which is from May to September and the dry season which drops from October till April. It’s hot and humid with an average temperature of about 27°C since the location is just 10~13 degrees north of the equator.
One note is that the dry season is divided into two periods: cool months (from November to February, 29°C) and hot days (from March to May, the temperature easily shoots up to 40°C).

Cambodia has a tropical monsoon climate
Cambodia has a tropical monsoon climate

All in all, the climate of Cambodja can be characterized as a typical genre of the tropical climate, as Laos, with the average temperature of coastal plains is 28°C, the inland and mountain areas witness a temperature of 26°C. The humidity is also quite high, running between 70 and 90 percent.
However, the noticeable vagary of Cambodia climate is not the temperature or the air pressure, but the rainfall. Cambodia sees visible variations in rainfall that are closely linked with the monsoon. By and large, a dry season (December to March) and a rainy season (June to October) happen in this country. Western and northern parts of Cambodia receive the major impact as the clouds along with the monsoon are heavy bringing lots of moisture by the time they reach the further regions.

There are 2 seasons in Cambodia, wet Season and dry season
There are 2 seasons in Cambodia, wet season and dry season

Tropical typhoons can hit Cambodia anytime in the period from July to November, and they can cause heavy damage, floods and erosion on the way. However, this plot is quite rarely, in most years the main routes of these storms are too far to reach Cambodia.

Required clothing
Light cotton outfit is advised for you when travelling anywhere in Cambodia throughout the year, with an umbrella or a raincoat for hasty downpours. No matter where you go, remember to carefully build up for the high temperature and humidity.


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