Whenever mentioning to tourist destinations in Vietnam, visitors often think about Halong Bay, Da Nang, Hoi An Ancient Town... However, it would be a big mistake if the wonderful landmark - Phong Nha Cave is not listed. The miraculousness of Phong Nha makes visitors feel exciting to be lost in the fairy world.
Phong Nha Cave is located in Phong Nha – Ke Bang, a National Park placing in the area of two districts of Quang Binh Province (the Central Vietnam): Bo Trach and Minh Hoa, from Dong Hoi City 50 km to the northwest and from the capital Hanoi about 500 km to the south.

Phong Nha Cave was first discovered in 1899, and then it has been used in many different purposes. According to legend, King Ham Nghi used this place to store his treasure. During Vietnam War, Phong Nha Cave was requisitioned as a field hospital, the place to hide and avoid bombs as well as the ammunition storage.
In 1992, a group of British scientists with the University of Hanoi conducted an expedition into the cave to explore. Later, the cave was discovered deeper.

Phong Nha Cave is a magnificent water cave. The nature created the splendid stalactites blocks with many different shapes and colors. That miraculousness makes anyone visiting here marvel and be generous to give compliments. Phong Nha Cave is 7729 m long. The stone columns, stalactites here bring very different styles. Phong Nha Cave is as beautiful as a water-color painting that many other caves have to admire.
Phong Nha Cave is well known as a No 1 Wonder with seven bests:
-Longest cave
-Most beautiful underground river
-Highest and widest entrance
-Most beautiful sandy beach and reef
-Most beautiful underground lake
-Largest and most beautiful dry cave
-Most systematic stalactites