Vietnam Museum of Ethnology | All about Ethnological Museum in Hanoi

Vietnam Museum of Ethology photos

Through distinctive artifacts, the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology invites you to explore the vibrant world of Vietnamese ethnic minorities and learn about their customs and way of life. Situated in Vietnam’s capital city of Hanoi, it has attracted a lot of attention and has grown to be one of the most noteworthy places to visit in Indochina tours.

Vietnam Museum of Ethnology Location, Opening Hours & Entrance Fee

The museum is on Nguyen Van Huyen Street, Cau Giay District, Hanoi. It opens from 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM every day, except Mondays.

The Vietnam Museum of Ethnology entrance costs 40,000 VND per person. Senior citizens and individuals with disabilities can get 50% off their Vietnam Museum of Ethnology admission fee. In addition, admission to the museum is free for those who are:

  • Younger than six-year-olds
  • Significant disabilities
  • Owners of Museum membership cards
  • ICOM cards
  • Journalists (with current press passes)
  • Sponsor representatives


  • 50,000 VND per camera is the standard.
  • Expert camera: VND 500,000 per unit

Guide for tours:

  • Vietnamese indoor guide: VND 50,000
  • Vietnamese guidance outside 50,000 VND
  • 100,000 VND for an indoor and outdoor Vietnamese guide
  • Interior French or English guide: 100,000 VND

History of Ethnological Museum in Hanoi

Visit the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology to see the unique cultural tapestry of Vietnam come to life. This museum stands out as an eye-opening attraction in a popular tourist destination like Hanoi, offering tourists an experience unlike any other that blends priceless knowledge with a sense of appreciation for culture.

Vietnam Museum of Ethology tickets

The concept for constructing this colorful representation of the diverse aspects of Vietnamese culture originated in the latter half of the 20th century and was ultimately realized in 1997. With innumerable exhibitions and activities under its belt during the next 27 years, the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology in Hanoi has garnered some significant recognition. From 2012 to 2014, it was listed as the fourth most fascinating museum in Asia out of 25 for three years in a row by Tripadvisor.

Vietnam Museum of Ethnology Architecture

What is it that makes the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology unique? Here, the structures’ architectural features are nothing short of outstanding in addition to the artifacts’ interesting qualities. Each of the museum’s three sections has distinct features that highlight various facets of Vietnamese culture.

Trong Dong Building

The exquisite round shape of the named traditional instrument serves as the idea for the exhibition-focused Trong Dong Building. It is an homage to the ancient Dong Son culture, in which the Tay people’s architect Ha Duc Linh was raised. The building, which spans two stories and more than 2,000 square meters, contains a variety of relics from each of the 54 ethnic communities, allowing visitors to easily go through all of the exhibitions.

Vietnam Museum of Ethology hanoi

Canh Dieu Building

For Vietnamese people, the kite—the other building used for exhibitions at the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology—takes on a more commonplace and cozy appearance. The top level of this structure is dedicated to the restoration and conservation of artifacts, while the remaining three are primarily accessible to the general public, except for a small number of offices. Visitors can also anticipate international cultural displays in addition to an auditorium, movie theater, and multimedia room, as the kite is associated with Asian culture as a whole.

Kien Truc Garden

The last half is a garden that leads to ten different traditional buildings from different ethnic groups (Hmong, Viet, Hanhi, Bahnar, Tay, Yao, etc.). In addition to structures, this architectural mash-up of Vietnamese styles also features an artificial stream. There will be weekly shows at the water puppet performance stage, which is accessible via the stream.

Best Things to See in Vietnam Museum of Ethnology

While the breathtaking building is certainly a pleasant touch, most visitors to the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology come for the chance to step back in time and take in the traditional objects on exhibit.

Permanent Exhibitions

You will be surrounded by an enormous collection of relics from all 54 of Vietnam’s ethnic groups in these shows. Every item, from centuries-old farming implements and swords to finely crafted jewelry, musical instruments, and textiles, reveals something about the way of life of Vietnamese ethnic minorities. The tour will cover all of the ethnic groups and take you through 12 distinct regions of the Trong Dong Building. There are four more exhibitions devoted to Southeast Asian civilizations if you want to continue your exploration.

Vietnam Museum of Ethology hanoi reviews

Apart from that, documentaries and movies offer a closer look into the lives of various ethnic communities. Stepping outside, weekend water puppet plays are presented in life-sized reconstructions of traditional residences at Kien Truc Garden. Every item has a caption in Vietnamese, English, and French to provide the greatest possible experience for all visitors. This way, those interested in different cultures can discover the meaning behind each item. Additionally, complimentary flyers in several languages have been made by the museum.

Temporary Exhibitions

History lovers may be drawn to return by these happenings, which can keep things interesting and novel. They explore a broad range of subjects, including in-depth studies of particular Vietnamese regions, unique perspectives on globally significant locations and events, and partnerships with esteemed photographers. Through these event exhibitions, the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology offers its enthusiastic guests a wealth of educational experiences, thereby continuously enhancing their efforts to promote cultural interaction between Vietnam and other nations.

Virtual Exhibitions

With the advent of technological innovation, the museum has introduced numerous virtual displays to introduce enthusiastic tourists to Vietnamese culture. When the concept was implemented during the pandemic, tech-savvy adventurers found it to be a true delight. These displays can take viewers to their destinations using state-of-the-art digital technology, providing them with the most lifelike experience conceivable via a computer screen.

hanoi ethnological museum tours

Best Things to Do in Ethnological Museum in Hanoi

Of course, the best thing to do at the museum is to examine the artifacts, but that’s not all. You can anticipate a thorough education of culture here, as learning about it is an all-encompassing experience.

Learn about the Culture of Various Ethnic Groups

The artifacts are the first step in a fully immersive cultural experience, but what if you want to know more? The place to be is the multimedia room. Up to 70 people can fit in this chamber as you settle in for a cinematic voyage across the diverse landscapes of Vietnam. These movies transport you to far-off towns and traditional rituals; they’re like having your own personal tour guide. Not a particularly visual learner? There is a wealth of cultural books available at the museum. There is something for everyone, from published studies to vibrant graphic books.

hanoi ethnological museum price

This is where the true interaction begins. The Vietnam Museum of Ethnology offers traditional musical instruments and folk music for you to try your hand at at any time. In addition, you can take in a live music show or a handicraft display to cap off an exciting and instructive day. These might be weekly events, or they can take place around major holidays such as the Mid-Autumn Festival and Lunar New Year.

Take Part in Occasional Events

The Vietnam Museum of Ethnology celebrates major holidays including the Mid-Autumn Festival and Lunar New Year with a range of colorful events all year long. You may discover that you enjoy seeing performances, taking part in folk games, and learning how to make traditional handicrafts. These gatherings offer numerous beneficial chances to become fully immersed in the cultures of the nation’s less well-known ethnic groups.

Dine at Truc Lam Restaurant and Café

Why not treat yourself to a satisfying lunch or a cup of coffee at Truc Lam Restaurant and Cafe after spending the day learning about different cultures? Every dish at this quaint restaurant is a tantalizing celebration of traditional Vietnamese tastes. In addition, the restaurant and cafe’s interior design incorporates traditional ethnic characteristics, making it visually appealing. This area doubles as an open exhibition space where minerals, precious stones, and ceramic goods are displayed. Apart from that, the family can relax in this lovely, open area when visiting because it is surrounded by lush vegetation.

Buy Souvenirs at Truc Lam Handmade

And lastly, it would be lovely to have a charming memento from Truc Lam Handmade to remember your trip. These products include everything from brocade goods to wooden puppets and paper postcards. The gift shop is conveniently located on either side of the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology entrance.

hanoi ethnological museum vietnam

Vietnam Museum of Ethnology Travel Guide

Finally, there are a few points to keep in mind when visiting the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology, particularly concerning their policies:

  • Keep valuables close at hand and keep your possessions in designated areas.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Carrying explosives, guns, poisonous materials, or other potentially harmful items is not advised.
  • Avoid leaving trash behind.
  • Food and beverages are not permitted within the museum.
  • Avoid creating loud noises.
  • Don’t sit on or touch the displays.
  • Activities in the museum cannot be planned without approval.
  • Avoid using the flash when taking photos.
  • Animals are not permitted within the museum.
  • Keep the garden’s botany uncontaminated.
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